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Our website works smoothest with Google Chrome

  • How do I stream from my phone or the app to my Smart TV?
    Watch Good Lion TV on your TV Casting to Screen 101 All technologies; mobile, handhelds, desktops, laptops, are different. All TVs are different. But they all use the same technology. Learn how to access the technology for your particular situation below. How to cast on Roku How to cast iphone/android to most TVs Android Screen Casting Screen casting to Samsung TV iPhone/Android/apple/Windows Connecting the Good Lion TV app with your TV. (Take note this only works from the app) Make sure you're connected to the same WIFI network between your phone/tablet and TV. Find the film you'd like to play - and you'll see the square cast logo (shown below). Tap that. Give your TV and Good Lion TV app a moment to connect. Is the casting button not working? It may be because your phone isn't connected to WIFI. Also, when on 5Ghz Wifi as opposed to 2.4Ghz Wifi users have reported success. If you have two Wi-Fi networks which most home routers do, switch your TV and Phone over to the 5Ghz network. The reason behind this is: A 2.4 GHz connection travels farther at lower speeds, while 5 GHz frequencies provide faster speeds at shorter range.
  • How do I download the App?
    Download the app by clicking here
  • I have the Good Lion TV app but its not working... how can I fix this?
    The Good Lion TV app was taken off the App stores late August and was added back on. This means if you have an older version of the App it will not function. To remedy this - delete the app first and redownload it here.
  • I just subscribed, or recently subscribed, and it's stating I need to pay again?
    Don't worry, just sign out and sign back in. Also Google Chrome is the best browser to use to avoid any playback issue. This website was created with WIX, therefore the coding for WIX video is built upon Chrome standards. Download Chrome Here
  • When I click a video, it doesn't play."
    The films with a $ symbol require subscribing to a membership. The films without a $ symbol are viewable upon sign up only which is free of charge. When you sign up for a free account you get access to all free films. NOTE: Signing out and logging back in fixes this issue if you just signed up.
  • I'm having trouble signing in...
    NOTE: Signing out and logging back in updates if you just became a paying member. 1. If you created an account using Google, or Facebook, make sure you select the icon of either one to log in. 2. If you created an account with just entering email separately, log in doing the same. NOTE: To change your good lion TV password - you'll only be able to do so if your account was created without using Facebook or Google.
  • Video Issues? Performance Issues? Streaming Issues?
    If you are still experiencing video issues make sure to: Use another browser of your choice, often times switching to another browser solves the issue. Google Chrome is our best recommended as they cache data to their servers freeing your computer of resources. Make sure your internet connection is strong. The videos are often more than 300+ MB and can take 1-2 minutes to load enough for a smooth buffer.
  • The Log In Button Is Not Working
    If you are still experiencing this try: Refreshing your window and click log in again If that doesn't work try: ZOOM out (not zoom in) on your browser settings by clicking command key and the minus key at the same time. Hold the command key while tapping the minus key to zoom out more. Zoom out: Command (+) - If the command shortcut doesn't work for you on your browser or computer, go to the top of the screen menu and selection VIEW and you'll see "Zoom Out" as an option.
  • My smart TV only plays a movie for a few seconds?
    Refresh your browser on the smart TV, and try again. This typically works. If your internet strength is low, allow the site to download the video by hitting play, then pausing. After a few short minutes you'll have downloaded enough of the film to playback sans buffering.
Still Alive: Faul of the Cabal
Escaping The Simulation 2: The Sentient World Simulation
Celebrity Cloning
Trump: American Savior
Flight of the Brunson Brothers
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